Important Word

I want to state categorically that I myself am a Charismatic believer and minister, in the sense that I wholly believe in, teach, and personally operate in the “charismata,” i.e., the Manifestation Gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12).
Thus, by no means am I engaging in any form or degree of Charismatic-bashing in the book, Charismatic Captivation, here on this blog, or in any of my writings. Nor am I denigrating in any way the Charismatic experience or Biblical teachings restored during the Charismatic Movement.
Rather, I am proffering what I am fully convinced is valid and very much needed, God-inspired reproof and correction of patently unscriptural doctrines and practices being espoused and implemented within much of the Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal Church.
That in no way means I am anti-Charismatic or anti-Pentecostal, as some spiritually immature Charismatics are wont to allege at the mere hint of criticism of anything relevant to the Charismatic realm. I am neither anti-Charismatic nor anti-Pentecostal, as are some who write regarding this topic, but rather PRO both.
My analysis, conclusions, and commentary here and in all my writings and speaking is not sheer criticism for the sake of being critical or for the purpose of pillorying the Charismatic-Pentecostal church, but rather reproof for its perfection.
I am also quite aware, as some readers have written to tell me over the years, these doctrines and practices are being espoused and employed in other ecclesiastical segments and streams as well. However, it is of the Neo-Pentecostal branch of the Church I am a part, and as such, have a particular right, yea, even duty, to confront that branch with much needed Biblical reproof.
It is my deepest desire and heartfelt prayer that all those who name themselves among the Brotherhood of Christ will give heed to the reproof and admonitions presented in the book and on this blog, and take the actions necessary to liberate the Children of God from the oppressive captivation and domination of men that is transpiring in some church cultures, for all believers are called to be SONS of God, not SLAVES of men (1 Cor. 7:23).
Remember the call of Christ Himself, “If therefore the Son shall make you FREE, you shall be FREE indeed!” (Jn. 8:36); as well as Paul’s echo of Christ’s call, “It was for FREEDOM that Christ set us FREE; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of SLAVERY” (Gal. 5:1).
Listen To A Special Word From The Author: